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Amazing Knowledge Facts

“To a curious mind, nothing is satisfactory” - anonymous. There are plenty of interesting facts around us that make us crave for more. Our curious minds need a refill of historical, health, science, and other interesting facts to fill them. Read our blogs to read facts that you never knew existed. Here are few crisp and interesting facts that will drive you to read more such fun facts.

Quick Health Facts


#1 Laughing more lowers the rates of cardiovascular disease and stroke.


#2 According to the 2002 report by an American Journal of Public Health, 90% of the increased mortality risk is associated with smoking and can be stopped if smokers quit before age 35.


#3 According to Harvard Health, a series of studies confirmed that ”glass-half-full” kind a person is associated with increased longevity.


#4 As per the report in CDSR, exercise can be beneficial for chronic pain & can reduce risk for Alzheimer’s disease.


#5 According to a 2014 study in the journal Diabetes Care, job strain can lead to the risk for type 2 diabetes.

Amazing History Facts


#1 From 1912 to 1948, the Olympic Games held competitions only in the fields of fine arts such as Literature, Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, and Music.


#2 In the 1830s , an Ohio physician named John Cook sold ketchup for indigestion.


#3 The World’s first university was established in Takshila in 700BC with more than 10, 500 students studying more than 60 subjects.


#4 According to the Gemological Institute of America, until 1896, India was the only exporter of diamonds to the world.


#5 Saurashtra is the earliest reservoir and dam built for irrigation.

Curious Science Facts


#1 About 20% of the Earth’s oxygen is produced by the Amazon Rainforest.


#2 Reactive metals like potassium, sodium, lithium, and caesium oxidise instantly when exposed to air.


#3 The total time taken by light to travel from Sun to Earth is 8 minutes, 19 seconds.


#4 The moon emits the light bounced off from the sun’s rays and reaches the earth in about 1.25 seconds. So, the moon has no light of its own.


#5 The human heart beats around 1 lakh times a day.


#6 The Great Barrier Reef is the largest structure on Earth, spread 2000km.

Sports Facts


#1 The colors of the Olympic rings represent one of the 5 continents of the world.


#2 The first recorded diving championship in the UK took place in 1889.


#3 Chess was originally named “Chaturanga” meaning intelligent.


#4 The 1st Indian to have won the coveted Wimbledon Jr. Singles is Ramanathan Krishna.


#5 Baichung Bhutia was the first Asian born player to score in the English league.


#6 The 1st Indian Women athlete to have been listed as a medal winner in World Athletics Championship is Anju.